------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File : 'history.txt' - history of changes in SharpSword Author: Rufus Eves E-Mail: rufus at j-crew dot org WWW : http://www.j-crew.org/SharpSword or www.SharpSword.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.92 (Release date: 12.13.2008) - Modified behavior of "Ignore Review Period" menu and changed it to "Show Reviewed Verses." It's much more intuitive now. - New Feature: Context menu available from Review List through which a verse may be moved to the top of the list, or to another period. certain features. Just hold down the pen on a button to see! - New Feature: option to use spaces instead of blanks on FITB exercise. Makes it much more challenging! - Added new exercise: Learn Reference - The Future window is now also accessible from the menu - Help now accessible from the menu (instead of from the About window) - Bug fix: Now hiding apostrophies for "Fill in the Blanks" - Bug fix: Tapping a letter after finishing "Fill in the Blanks" with errors would crash - Bug fix: When adding a verse, tapping "<" when no text present would crash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.91 (Release date: 11.14.2008) - Selected item in Exercise list no longer advances after certain exercises - Added Device tab in Settings window to correct spacing on certain exercises - On Match Verse's Reference & Match Reference's Verse, Medium difficulty no longer uses verses from the New period. Hard difficulty uses them instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.90 (Release date: 11.06.2008) - Initial Release ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future: - Possibly add one more period. I think one more might be useful, to be used for an extra long period of time - 6 months to a year or so, while the other ones can be kept short (i.e. up to a month or so). - Provide a way to "shelve" verses on a semi-permanent basis, after they've been well memorized. Perhaps a window that would allow them to be moved into a "memorized" library. The same window could optionally pull them back out. What do you think? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------